Web Work

It's been a while, but I used to do some contract web design. 
NOTE:  All of my work on these sites is very dated.

Mighty Aphrodite

"Mighty Aphrodite" Web Site
I designed this web page for Miramax Films to promote the video release of Woody Allen's latest movie, "Mighty Aphrodite."

IBM Net Files Home Page
I produced this web page along with a script for IBM's booth at the Comnet '96 trade show in Washington D.C. It's a beginner's guide to the Internet. Learn the Internet by solving a series of cases.  (It's no longer up)

The McKinley Internet Directory Updated web site in German and French.

miramax.gif (3402 bytes)

Miramax Films
Helped update their design to include frames.

road.gif (8369 bytes) Interactive
Road Movie

Copyright 1995-2000, David Spark